Thinking Within Models, Symposium

30.09.2021 Symposium
9:30-17:00 with 3G-Rules
Location: Forum Stadtpark or digital: Webex

“Thinking within Models” is a symposium con- cerned with the use of models in architecture. Thanks to the cooperation between Forum Stadtpark, Graz University of Technology and Diskursiv, the content addressed will not only appeal to archi- tecture students and architects, but also to people from outside the field. A special feature of the symposium are the clear subtopics; each speaker has been assigned a selected term. Therefore the lectures are not a typical show of their work, but a direct positioning vis-à-vis the model building discourse. Among other subjects the actual physical work with models will be presented from different perspectives with the terms Precision, Manual work, Scale and Construction. In contrast thereto terms such as Method, Purpose, Myth and Represen- tation will provide a theoretical starting point for the discussion. Thus, the symposium “Thinking within Models” can be viewed as a joint thought process in addition to dealing with the material and immaterial dimensions of the topic.

more detailed informations

9:30 Welcome/Introduction
With Claudia Gerhäusser and Petra Petersson

10:00 Part 1, Moderation
With Evelyn Temmel

10:00 Precision
With Bernd Grimm

10:25 Manual work
With Anna Staudt

10:50 Method
With Wolfgang List

11:15 Purpose
With Angelika Hinterbrander

11:40 Discussion
With Evelyn Temmel, Bernd Grimm, Anna Staudt, Wolfgang List and Angelika Hinterbrander

14:00 Part 2, Moderation
With Alex Lehnerer

14:00 Myth
With Vlad Ionescu

14:25 Scale
With Caspar Frenken and Benjamin Groothuijse

14:50 Representation
With Tibor Bielicky and Ellena Ehrl

15:15 Construction
With Malgorzata Maria Olchowska (Gosia)

15:40 Discussion
With Alex Lehnerer, Vlad Ionescu, Benjamin Groothuijse, Ellena Ehrl, Tibor Bielicky and Malgorzata Maria Olchowska.

Thinking Within Models, Symposium
Hyperbolisches Werkzeug, Bernd Grimm
AA as a Stage, Caspar Frenken und Benjamin Grootehuijse
Verwedenen Stad, Malgorzata Olchowska, 2017
Hyperboloid, Bernd Grimm
Fair Vienna 2020, Tibor Bielicky und Ellena Ehrl
Grabsteinbearbeitung, Werkstatt F. Meyer