Colors - Diskursiv No.2

STREAM to the Symposium with Claudia Cavallar and Jan de Vylder
Password: dZhcRwuy836
Color has always been an essential means of expression in architecture. It has gradually lost its significance via the universal white box. Both in practice and in teaching, we have lost the sensitivity for color as well as the knowledge of its use and possibilities.
Therefore, it is our concern to place color at the centre of our discourse and to bring it back to mind. Through an exhibition, a symposium and a publication, we want to collect the most diverse positions, approaches and working methods of architectural offices in relation to the topic of color.
Addressing this topic the exhibition will feature works by Nuno Melo Sousa, Michael Reindel, Institut Vierzehn, Nikola Hergovich, Rafał Śliwa and HPO as well as 90 contributions from international architecture offices. In addition a lecture series, which will take place at the 20th January, will provide deeper insights to the topic. On the 24th of January, a symposium will give another way of looking at color. The edition will culminate in a publication, print and online, which will be released in autumn 2023.
12th of January at 6 pm - Forum Stadtpark
Lecture Series
20th of January at 3 pm - Forum Stadtpark
Luca Tommasi, Rebekka Hirschberg und Anna Jäger, Rafał Śliwa, Nikola Hergovich, Francesco Caneschi, Institut Vierzehn, HPO, Franziska Hederer, Adam Sherman, Paul Konrad, Marina Montresor, Adna Babahmetović und Ajna Babahmetović
24th of January at 6 pm - Forum Stadtpark
Claudia Cavallar and Jan De Vylder, moderated by Alex Lehnerer
Supported by:
TU Graz, XAL, Stadt Graz Kulturamt, Das Land Steiermark
Diskursiv - A forum series that temporarily exposes current and practical architectural fields of tension and then permanently preserves them. This takes place in an analogue environment by means of exhibitions and publications. The focus is on the internal problem areas of architecture, which are to be dealt with in an interdisciplinary framework. Their subsequent presentation is to serve as a starting point for solutions and methodically open up further fields of discussion.